Children and contact lenses

Did you know that children can wear contact lenses?

Not only can they wear them , they love wearing them!

Children as young as 6 years old can be fitted with some kinds of contact lenses and they can be life changing.

If they are myopic (short sighted) the right contact lenses could even help slow down the progression of their Myopia.

Our budding Olympic Gymnast, Immy, has been wearing MiSight Myopia Management contact lenses since she was 71/2 years old – have a look at her video here to see what Immy and her Mum have to say about wearing contact lenses.

Children should have their eyes tested every year from the age of around 4 years old – earlier if you are worried about their eyesight or eye health. An NHS sight test is free for children.

A lot of parents assume that their child’s eyes will be tested at school, that their child will complain if they cannot see, or that a teacher will tell them if they think their child can’t see properly. Unfortunately Optometrists know that this is not the case.

School vision screening is sometimes done in the early years but it is not offered in every school and it is generally not repeated as children grow.

Unfortunately children do not know what “normal” vision is so they don’t always know if things are blurred. If their vision is only blurred in one eye they may not even notice it at all.

Teachers write quite large on boards in class so, by the time blurred vision affects them to the point that a teacher would notice, their vision is probably really quite blurry.

To book your child in for an NHS sight test, or to ask if your child is suitable for Myopia Management contact lenses or glasses, please call on 01963 34333.